Artists in Cornwall

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Simon Knight

Simon Knight

Born In Cheltenham, Gloucestershire in 1972, Simon Knight has always been interested in drawing and doodling. He moved to Cornwall in 1980, and after he failed GCSE art, it was no longer a keen interest. In 2012 Simon reached for the pencils again, fine tuning his skill as a Photorealist Artist for over 10 years. What you see today, in galleries and restaurants across his native Cornwall, UK or in the private commissions of those that have been entranced by his work, is testament to his passion for his pencils and charcoal.

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Ralph Curnow

Ralph Curnow

Ralph Curnow is a marine artist based in Penzance in Cornwall. A self-taught artist, he has been painting since around 2001. Ralph’s paintings have been sold over the world, to the US, the Caribbean and Holland. Two of his paintings are being used in a new maritime museum in Holland.

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