Artists in Cornwall

Featured Artwork by artists and illustrators based in Cornwall.
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Featured Artists

Alan Furneaux

Alan Furneaux

Greetings contemporary art fans, and welcome to the contemporary art world of (relatively) new (to us, anyway) and terribly exciting landscape artist, Alan Furneaux. A thoroughly modern artist who’s so good at what he does, a percentage of his unique designs have lent themselves to greetings card covers recently.

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I was born in Japan but instantly felt that Cornwall is my spiritual home. The landscape, the sky, the weather and the people all combine to make Cornwall a place I want to be. Back home in Japan I work with natural stone and grind it down into powered to use as a paint material. I see the amazing granite of Cornwall as a perfect material to use in my art.

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Cherry Crawford

Cherry Crawford

I studied graphic design for 4 years in the 1970’s and gained Associate Membership of the Society of Industrial Artists & Designers and of the Society of Typographical Designers. I went on to work in London for companies including IPC Magazines and Royle Print Ltd.

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Loe Bar Porthleven by Lesley Holmes
Lesley Holmes

Lesley Holmes

Lesley is an en plein air artist. Following in the tradition of the Newlyn school she likes to paint out doors capturing the special Cornish light which is so unique to this part of Cornwall. Drawing from life is an important part of her work.

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Suzanne Phillips

Suzanne Phillips

Suzanne Phillips born to an Irish family in London in 1970 was an artist from the word go, hearing many words of encouragment as she grew from her grandmother who always found time in a busy day to sit and listen to the stories unfold behind every drawing, painting or sculpture put on her lap.

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Christine Norley

Christine Norley

All the proceeds from my paintings and other art work are donated to charity i.e. Childline. Street Children of Brazil. I was born in the West Country (but currently living in The Vale of Glamorgan) and brought up amongst the rolling countryside and woodlands of Somerset which instilled in me a deep rooted love of all things in nature.

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Jenny Shaw-Browne

Jenny Shaw-Browne

I was born in Nottinghamshire on the borders of Sherwood Forest, part of a traditional farming family. After an “A” level in art, I progressed to an honours degree in Archaeology and Ancient History extensively utilising my interest in archaeological illustration and artefact drawing.

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Nick Praed

Nick Praed

Nick was born in the fishing village of Newlyn in 1974. When he was 18yrs old he started netting whilst painting in his spare time. Nick moved to Ireland when he was 23yrs old and fished out of Dunmore East near Waterford. During this time he also went travelling round the world, fishing in Western Australia along the way.

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Discover New Crafts

Lisa Harrison

Lisa Harrison

Lisa Harrison works from an old forge in a remote valley in Cornwall – near Mabe. Using tools that have not changed for centuries she produces a range of interior hardware, artistic ironwork and contemporary jewellery.

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Valerie Mainwaring

Valerie Mainwaring

I am a so called ‘self-taught’ artist and tend to paint according to my mood. My paintings consist mainly of ‘little people’ having a good time. I had, as a child, many a day out with my parents and in a lot of my paintings I try and reflect the good times I had. Walks by the river, fun in the snow, days on the beach etc.

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Art For Sale

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