Artists in Cornwall

Featured Artwork by artists and illustrators based in Cornwall.
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Featured Artists

Loe Bar Porthleven by Lesley Holmes
Lesley Holmes

Lesley Holmes

Lesley is an en plein air artist. Following in the tradition of the Newlyn school she likes to paint out doors capturing the special Cornish light which is so unique to this part of Cornwall. Drawing from life is an important part of her work.

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Audrey Kellow

Audrey Kellow

Born near Helston in Cornwall, I was first inspired to paint with oils at Helston school in the mid 1960’s. It was also my introduction to strong colour and shape, which still forms the essence of my work.

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Diane Griffiths

Diane Griffiths

Contemporary British Artist based in Newquay. For me my art is an intensely personal process; I work in an impressionistic style which is ideally suited to the atmospheric and ever-changing Cornish landscape. Sold internationally and added to many private collections, I use a unique combination of acrylics, oils and enamels which is a way of painting which always surprises and challenges me.

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Sally Jones

Sally Jones

Sally Jones is an artist who works primarily in oils, charcoal or pastel, undertaking a wide variety of subject matter which reflects her own broadly-based interests and appreciation of the natural world.

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Simon Knight

Simon Knight

Born In Cheltenham, Gloucestershire in 1972, Simon Knight has always been interested in drawing and doodling. He moved to Cornwall in 1980, and after he failed GCSE art, it was no longer a keen interest. In 2012 Simon reached for the pencils again, fine tuning his skill as a Photorealist Artist for over 10 years. What you see today, in galleries and restaurants across his native Cornwall, UK or in the private commissions of those that have been entranced by his work, is testament to his passion for his pencils and charcoal.

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George ‘Griff’ Griffiths

George ‘Griff’ Griffiths

At the age of 13 Griff won a scholarship to Wakefield School of Arts & Crafts using the same handheld instruments to make marks and the same pigments ground to make paint as had been used for centuries. This was the foundation for his work in the years to come.

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Loe Bar Porthleven by Lesley Holmes
Lesley Holmes

Lesley Holmes

Lesley is an en plein air artist. Following in the tradition of the Newlyn school she likes to paint out doors capturing the special Cornish light which is so unique to this part of Cornwall. Drawing from life is an important part of her work.

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Discover New Crafts

Lisa Harrison

Lisa Harrison

Lisa Harrison works from an old forge in a remote valley in Cornwall – near Mabe. Using tools that have not changed for centuries she produces a range of interior hardware, artistic ironwork and contemporary jewellery.

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Art For Sale

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