Artists in Cornwall

Featured Artwork by artists and illustrators based in Cornwall.
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Featured Artists

Simon Birtall

Simon Birtall

Simon paints in an ‘Impressionistic’ painting technique in oils on canvas. Influences include several Impressionists and Post Impressionists, and subsequent artists such as Sargent and Brangwyn.

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Charlotte Trevains

Charlotte Trevains

Charlotte was born in the 1970s in Cornwall, to a truly Cornish family, with her roots in the County traceable back to the mid 1600’s. Always creative from a young age, she spent her childhood learning about nature, watching and exploring local freshwater rivers, woodland, moorland and coastal environments.

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Samuel Davison

Samuel Davison

As a Cornish artist & prehistoric researcher, many of Samuel’s paintings are inspired by the ancient Cornish landscape. Created through a combination of meditative reflection and improvisation, his striking geometric formations show an excitement of colour and harmonic arrangement, which represent concepts found within quantum reality and ancient spiritual belief systems. Not only do his paintings catch the eye, but act as a medium for contemplation and insight into pathways within ancient wisdom. As a lifetime creative, Samuel is also a professional landscape photographer, award-winning author and multi-award-winning jazz musician.

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Steve Slimm

Steve Slimm

An artist to inspire artists, Steve Slimm’s visionary work over the past 40 years has gained him the reputation, in Cornwall and the UK, of a master of expressionist landscape painting. Since 2009 his work has been featured in national UK art foundation syllabuses for its quality of light.

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Audrey Kellow

Audrey Kellow

Born near Helston in Cornwall, I was first inspired to paint with oils at Helston school in the mid 1960’s. It was also my introduction to strong colour and shape, which still forms the essence of my work.

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Loe Bar Porthleven by Lesley Holmes
Lesley Holmes

Lesley Holmes

Lesley is an en plein air artist. Following in the tradition of the Newlyn school she likes to paint out doors capturing the special Cornish light which is so unique to this part of Cornwall. Drawing from life is an important part of her work.

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Joanna Stevens

Joanna Stevens

Joanna Stevens grew up in west Cornwall and from an early age was passionate about art, often going out to sketch the animals on the family farm. She went on to study Illustration in Cornwall for three years and has perfected her own unique style that captures the liveliness and movement of the picturesque Cornish harbours and fishing villages. These images are all available as greeting cards and mounted prints.

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Julian Beesley

Julian Beesley

Julian Beesley specialises as a watercolour artist, studying the local Cornish landscape. In 1998 he won the prestigious Best Watercolourist prize in the Artists in Cornwall competition.

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Christine Brunnock

Christine Brunnock

Christine Brunnock was raised in St Ives, Cornwall. She is based in St Ives today where she is constantly inspired by the Cornish landscape. Largely self-taught, her work is expressive and atmospheric, communicating a range of emotions that are reflected by the elements and environment. Christine’s work has been collected internationally and she exhibits regularly. She was shortlisted for The Evening Standard Art Prize 2018 in London and won the ING Discerning Eye Purchase Prize 2023.

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Discover New Crafts

Lisa Harrison

Lisa Harrison

Lisa Harrison works from an old forge in a remote valley in Cornwall – near Mabe. Using tools that have not changed for centuries she produces a range of interior hardware, artistic ironwork and contemporary jewellery.

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Pebble Art

Pebble Art

Living in Cornwall and Devon all my life and being surrounded by the sea, I have built up a large collection of interesting driftwood and other washed up bits that one day will be turned into something special.

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Art For Sale

Showing 64–66 of 69 results

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