Artists in Cornwall

Featured Artwork by artists and illustrators based in Cornwall.
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Featured Artists

Suzanne Phillips

Suzanne Phillips

Suzanne Phillips born to an Irish family in London in 1970 was an artist from the word go, hearing many words of encouragment as she grew from her grandmother who always found time in a busy day to sit and listen to the stories unfold behind every drawing, painting or sculpture put on her lap.

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Alan Furneaux

Alan Furneaux

Greetings contemporary art fans, and welcome to the contemporary art world of (relatively) new (to us, anyway) and terribly exciting landscape artist, Alan Furneaux. A thoroughly modern artist who’s so good at what he does, a percentage of his unique designs have lent themselves to greetings card covers recently.

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Audrey Kellow

Audrey Kellow

Born near Helston in Cornwall, I was first inspired to paint with oils at Helston school in the mid 1960’s. It was also my introduction to strong colour and shape, which still forms the essence of my work.

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Sarah Vivian

Sarah Vivian

My painting is an expression of my love of the land here in West Penwith, a connection with the beauty and power of the landscape. The paintings are in oil paint on board or canvas, and are realistic & representational landscapes of West Cornwall, but not in an entirely photographic way; they are hyper-real, or more than real.

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Steve Slimm

Steve Slimm

An artist to inspire artists, Steve Slimm’s visionary work over the past 40 years has gained him the reputation, in Cornwall and the UK, of a master of expressionist landscape painting. Since 2009 his work has been featured in national UK art foundation syllabuses for its quality of light.

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Samuel Davison

Samuel Davison

As a Cornish artist & prehistoric researcher, many of Samuel’s paintings are inspired by the ancient Cornish landscape. Created through a combination of meditative reflection and improvisation, his striking geometric formations show an excitement of colour and harmonic arrangement, which represent concepts found within quantum reality and ancient spiritual belief systems. Not only do his paintings catch the eye, but act as a medium for contemplation and insight into pathways within ancient wisdom. As a lifetime creative, Samuel is also a professional landscape photographer, award-winning author and multi-award-winning jazz musician.

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Diane Griffiths

Diane Griffiths

Contemporary British Artist based in Newquay. For me my art is an intensely personal process; I work in an impressionistic style which is ideally suited to the atmospheric and ever-changing Cornish landscape. Sold internationally and added to many private collections, I use a unique combination of acrylics, oils and enamels which is a way of painting which always surprises and challenges me.

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Samuel Davison

Samuel Davison

As a Cornish artist & prehistoric researcher, many of Samuel’s paintings are inspired by the ancient Cornish landscape. Created through a combination of meditative reflection and improvisation, his striking geometric formations show an excitement of colour and harmonic arrangement, which represent concepts found within quantum reality and ancient spiritual belief systems. Not only do his paintings catch the eye, but act as a medium for contemplation and insight into pathways within ancient wisdom. As a lifetime creative, Samuel is also a professional landscape photographer, award-winning author and multi-award-winning jazz musician.

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David Axtell

David Axtell

David Axtell is a painter and illustrator working mainly in oils on canvas. Featuring landscapes combined with figurative elements reflect his interest in the ever changing surroundings of Cornwall where he lives. David is a former graduate of Falmouth School of Art and Design. He is interested in the relationship between the interaction of people and the sea. From landscape studies to wide panoramas David is searc toward a gradual unspoken narrative which draws the viewer into his paintings.o

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Discover New Crafts

Lisa Harrison

Lisa Harrison

Lisa Harrison works from an old forge in a remote valley in Cornwall – near Mabe. Using tools that have not changed for centuries she produces a range of interior hardware, artistic ironwork and contemporary jewellery.

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Art For Sale

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