Artists in Cornwall

Featured Artwork by artists and illustrators based in Cornwall.
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Featured Artists

Sally Jones

Sally Jones

Sally Jones is an artist who works primarily in oils, charcoal or pastel, undertaking a wide variety of subject matter which reflects her own broadly-based interests and appreciation of the natural world.

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Charlotte Trevains

Charlotte Trevains

Charlotte was born in the 1970s in Cornwall, to a truly Cornish family, with her roots in the County traceable back to the mid 1600’s. Always creative from a young age, she spent her childhood learning about nature, watching and exploring local freshwater rivers, woodland, moorland and coastal environments.

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I was born in Japan but instantly felt that Cornwall is my spiritual home. The landscape, the sky, the weather and the people all combine to make Cornwall a place I want to be. Back home in Japan I work with natural stone and grind it down into powered to use as a paint material. I see the amazing granite of Cornwall as a perfect material to use in my art.

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Suzanne Phillips

Suzanne Phillips

Suzanne Phillips born to an Irish family in London in 1970 was an artist from the word go, hearing many words of encouragment as she grew from her grandmother who always found time in a busy day to sit and listen to the stories unfold behind every drawing, painting or sculpture put on her lap.

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Audrey Kellow

Audrey Kellow

Born near Helston in Cornwall, I was first inspired to paint with oils at Helston school in the mid 1960’s. It was also my introduction to strong colour and shape, which still forms the essence of my work.

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Marly Jackson

Marly Jackson

I am an artist and photographer based in Cornwall. Born in Manchester, I moved to the south westerly village of Porthleven at the age of 2 where I lived for 25 years. Growing up by the sea has had a huge influence on my life and artwork which I am so very grateful for.

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Gillian Jansen

Gillian Jansen

Working in acrylic, watercolour, ink and pastel, Gillian’s favourite subjects are seascapes, woodlands and the wild rugged landscape of Cornwall, all to be found in close proximity to where she lives and works in Falmouth.

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Amy Winfield

Amy Winfield

Amy Winfield, who is also known by her artist’s name Mimi, has a growing reputation for her art and photographic work throughout Cornwall. When I was younger I was always painting and drawing, like any normal kid.

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Brett Humphries

Brett Humphries

I have always had a keen interest in the arts, taking A levels in graphic design, photography and fine art, then continuing with a one year foundation course in art which confirmed that painting is my passion. The last part of my formal art education was undertaking a BA Hons Degree in Scientific and Natural History Illustration at Lancaster University.

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Discover New Crafts

Valerie Mainwaring

Valerie Mainwaring

I am a so called ‘self-taught’ artist and tend to paint according to my mood. My paintings consist mainly of ‘little people’ having a good time. I had, as a child, many a day out with my parents and in a lot of my paintings I try and reflect the good times I had. Walks by the river, fun in the snow, days on the beach etc.

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Pebble Art

Pebble Art

Living in Cornwall and Devon all my life and being surrounded by the sea, I have built up a large collection of interesting driftwood and other washed up bits that one day will be turned into something special.

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Art For Sale

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