Artists in Cornwall
Featured Artwork by artists and illustrators based in Cornwall.
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Featured Artists
Samuel Davison
As a Cornish artist & prehistoric researcher, many of Samuel’s paintings are inspired by the ancient Cornish landscape. Created through a combination of meditative reflection and improvisation, his striking geometric formations show an excitement of colour and harmonic arrangement, which represent concepts found within quantum reality and ancient spiritual belief systems. Not only do his paintings catch the eye, but act as a medium for contemplation and insight into pathways within ancient wisdom. As a lifetime creative, Samuel is also a professional landscape photographer, award-winning author and multi-award-winning jazz musician.
Marly Jackson
I am an artist and photographer based in Cornwall. Born in Manchester, I moved to the south westerly village of Porthleven at the age of 2 where I lived for 25 years. Growing up by the sea has had a huge influence on my life and artwork which I am so very grateful for.
Jane Palmer
My work is compiled, I build layer after layer, sometimes taking areas back to where I started, reworking or allowing the beginnings to be exposed. Layers are often thin and my tools are basic. Some papers and canvas may go through the press, some are hand pressed, all are painted and repainted.
Vincent Basham
Vincent Basham is a self-taught artist who specialises in seascapes, he was born in Maldon, Essex in 1956 and educated at Thurstable School, Tiptree where his love for painting first developed. He has exhibited his work in prestigious galleries in London, Essex, Norfolk, Devon and Cornwall.
Simon Birtall
Simon paints in an ‘Impressionistic’ painting technique in oils on canvas. Influences include several Impressionists and Post Impressionists, and subsequent artists such as Sargent and Brangwyn.
Suzanne Phillips
Suzanne Phillips born to an Irish family in London in 1970 was an artist from the word go, hearing many words of encouragment as she grew from her grandmother who always found time in a busy day to sit and listen to the stories unfold behind every drawing, painting or sculpture put on her lap.
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Trudy Ruane
Originally a Fine Art graduate from St Martins school of Art, London and more recently studying for an MA in Art History at University College Falmouth, Trudy’s work as an artist has been complemented with that of Interior Design, having worked primarily as a designer for twenty years. Now living in Cornwall as a working artist she draws her inspiration from the year round beauty of her home county.
Jennifer Ridgeley
Jennifer Ridgeley was born and educated in the borough of Richmond on Thames. Moving to Hertfordshire in her twenties, she gained her teaching degree there in the late 1960’s, taking Art as her main subject. Her work at that time was much influenced by Morris Louis (1912-62.) and his “veils”.
Sarah Vivian
My painting is an expression of my love of the land here in West Penwith, a connection with the beauty and power of the landscape. The paintings are in oil paint on board or canvas, and are realistic & representational landscapes of West Cornwall, but not in an entirely photographic way; they are hyper-real, or more than real.
Discover New Crafts
Valerie Mainwaring
I am a so called ‘self-taught’ artist and tend to paint according to my mood. My paintings consist mainly of ‘little people’ having a good time. I had, as a child, many a day out with my parents and in a lot of my paintings I try and reflect the good times I had. Walks by the river, fun in the snow, days on the beach etc.
Flower Faeries Bella
Lampworking originates from early days in Venice where artists melted glass over the flame of an oil lamp to make a bead.
Lisa Harrison
Lisa Harrison works from an old forge in a remote valley in Cornwall – near Mabe. Using tools that have not changed for centuries she produces a range of interior hardware, artistic ironwork and contemporary jewellery.
Art For Sale
Showing 61–63 of 69 results
Japanese Style Notebook #3
£10.00 -
Japanese Soy Sauce Bottle #1
£20.00 -
Japanese Soy Sauce Bottle #2