Artists in Cornwall

Featured Artwork by artists and illustrators based in Cornwall.
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Featured Artists

Jane Palmer

Jane Palmer

My work is compiled, I build layer after layer, sometimes taking areas back to where I started, reworking or allowing the beginnings to be exposed. Layers are often thin and my tools are basic. Some papers and canvas may go through the press, some are hand pressed, all are painted and repainted.

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Sarah Vivian

Sarah Vivian

My painting is an expression of my love of the land here in West Penwith, a connection with the beauty and power of the landscape. The paintings are in oil paint on board or canvas, and are realistic & representational landscapes of West Cornwall, but not in an entirely photographic way; they are hyper-real, or more than real.

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Diane Griffiths

Diane Griffiths

Contemporary British Artist based in Newquay. For me my art is an intensely personal process; I work in an impressionistic style which is ideally suited to the atmospheric and ever-changing Cornish landscape. Sold internationally and added to many private collections, I use a unique combination of acrylics, oils and enamels which is a way of painting which always surprises and challenges me.

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I was born in Japan but instantly felt that Cornwall is my spiritual home. The landscape, the sky, the weather and the people all combine to make Cornwall a place I want to be. Back home in Japan I work with natural stone and grind it down into powered to use as a paint material. I see the amazing granite of Cornwall as a perfect material to use in my art.

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Loe Bar Porthleven by Lesley Holmes
Lesley Holmes

Lesley Holmes

Lesley is an en plein air artist. Following in the tradition of the Newlyn school she likes to paint out doors capturing the special Cornish light which is so unique to this part of Cornwall. Drawing from life is an important part of her work.

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Simon Birtall

Simon Birtall

Simon paints in an ‘Impressionistic’ painting technique in oils on canvas. Influences include several Impressionists and Post Impressionists, and subsequent artists such as Sargent and Brangwyn.

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Dick Twinney

Dick Twinney

Dick Twinney has loved the Westcountry’s wildlife and countryside for as long as he can remember. Originally from Devon, he has lived and worked in Cornwall for over 35 years. Although his paintings, prints, collectors plates and giftware have spread worldwide and many of the books he has illustrated are American he still thinks of himself as a local artist, passionate about Cornwall, its’ scenery and its’ wildlife.

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Joanna Commings

Joanna Commings

I have been painting and drawing all my life and have taken many courses over the years. Although originally concentrating on portraits, which I really enjoy and for which I still take commissions, love of landscape painting began with my move to Cornwall in 2002.

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Gabrielle de Glatigny

Gabrielle de Glatigny

Gabrielle de Glatigny is a portrait artist based in Cornwall. Her beautiful and bespoke portraits in pastels and pencil crayon capture the sitters unique character. Her expressive style focuses on capturing the true spirit of the person. She specialises in children’s portraits but also enjoys drawing adults and pets. She has a studio at The Old Bakery Studios in Truro.

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Pebble Art

Pebble Art

Living in Cornwall and Devon all my life and being surrounded by the sea, I have built up a large collection of interesting driftwood and other washed up bits that one day will be turned into something special.

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Art For Sale

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