John Tregembo

John Tregembo

John Tregembo was born in padstow and grew up with the Atlantic ocean on his doorstep, from an early age he learnt to capture the world around him through his drawing and painting and has over the years developed a style all his own which is more to do with the feel of a place rather than actually a named place that can be recognized, he walks his Dogs most days along the camel estuary before starting work and on many an occasion will pick up on something that inspires a painting that is fresh in his memory.

Joanna Commings

Joanna Commings

I have been painting and drawing all my life and have taken many courses over the years. Although originally concentrating on portraits, which I really enjoy and for which I still take commissions, love of landscape painting began with my move to Cornwall in 2002.

Jenny Shaw-Browne

Jenny Shaw-Browne

I was born in Nottinghamshire on the borders of Sherwood Forest, part of a traditional farming family. After an “A” level in art, I progressed to an honours degree in Archaeology and Ancient History extensively utilising my interest in archaeological illustration and artefact drawing.

Jennifer Ridgeley

Jennifer Ridgeley

Jennifer Ridgeley was born and educated in the borough of Richmond on Thames. Moving to Hertfordshire in her twenties, she gained her teaching degree there in the late 1960’s, taking Art as her main subject. Her work at that time was much influenced by Morris Louis (1912-62.) and his “veils”.

Jay Hurst

Jay Hurst

I was born in 1971 in Lancashire and almost immediately began illustrating fantastic stories around the age of four. I think I later became an illustrator to avoid getting a proper job, which backfired disastrously when I discovered that not only is being an illustrator considered respectable in some quarters, its also bloody hard work. Thankfully despite winning awards my illustration career was short-lived enough allowing me to become a rather more disreputable ‘fine artist,’ quite painlessly.

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