Artists in Cornwall

Featured Artwork by artists and illustrators based in Cornwall.
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Featured Artists

Suzanne Phillips

Suzanne Phillips

Suzanne Phillips born to an Irish family in London in 1970 was an artist from the word go, hearing many words of encouragment as she grew from her grandmother who always found time in a busy day to sit and listen to the stories unfold behind every drawing, painting or sculpture put on her lap.

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Sally Jones

Sally Jones

Sally Jones is an artist who works primarily in oils, charcoal or pastel, undertaking a wide variety of subject matter which reflects her own broadly-based interests and appreciation of the natural world.

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Simon Birtall

Simon Birtall

Simon paints in an ‘Impressionistic’ painting technique in oils on canvas. Influences include several Impressionists and Post Impressionists, and subsequent artists such as Sargent and Brangwyn.

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Alan Furneaux

Alan Furneaux

Greetings contemporary art fans, and welcome to the contemporary art world of (relatively) new (to us, anyway) and terribly exciting landscape artist, Alan Furneaux. A thoroughly modern artist who’s so good at what he does, a percentage of his unique designs have lent themselves to greetings card covers recently.

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Sarah Vivian

Sarah Vivian

My painting is an expression of my love of the land here in West Penwith, a connection with the beauty and power of the landscape. The paintings are in oil paint on board or canvas, and are realistic & representational landscapes of West Cornwall, but not in an entirely photographic way; they are hyper-real, or more than real.

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Marjana Wjasnova

Marjana Wjasnova

My art is a spiritual quest for ‘Truth’ – the truth that exists in each and every one of us. I work towards a purer reflection of that truth. Each brushstroke is a search which brings me closer to an answer – but the questions are endless. Thus my art is a synthesis of my inner reality at a particular point in time.

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Liz Toole

Liz Toole

Liz Toole now lives and works in Brighton after spending the majority of her time between Shropshire and Cornwall. After graduating from an H.N.D. in ceramics at Cumbria College of Art and Design she then went into the second year of a ceramic degree at Cardiff Institute of Art and Design.

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Discover New Crafts

Lisa Harrison

Lisa Harrison

Lisa Harrison works from an old forge in a remote valley in Cornwall – near Mabe. Using tools that have not changed for centuries she produces a range of interior hardware, artistic ironwork and contemporary jewellery.

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Valerie Mainwaring

Valerie Mainwaring

I am a so called ‘self-taught’ artist and tend to paint according to my mood. My paintings consist mainly of ‘little people’ having a good time. I had, as a child, many a day out with my parents and in a lot of my paintings I try and reflect the good times I had. Walks by the river, fun in the snow, days on the beach etc.

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