Artists in Cornwall

Featured Artwork by artists and illustrators based in Cornwall.
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Featured Artists

Alan Furneaux

Alan Furneaux

Greetings contemporary art fans, and welcome to the contemporary art world of (relatively) new (to us, anyway) and terribly exciting landscape artist, Alan Furneaux. A thoroughly modern artist who’s so good at what he does, a percentage of his unique designs have lent themselves to greetings card covers recently.

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Simon Knight

Simon Knight

Born In Cheltenham, Gloucestershire in 1972, Simon Knight has always been interested in drawing and doodling. He moved to Cornwall in 1980, and after he failed GCSE art, it was no longer a keen interest. In 2012 Simon reached for the pencils again, fine tuning his skill as a Photorealist Artist for over 10 years. What you see today, in galleries and restaurants across his native Cornwall, UK or in the private commissions of those that have been entranced by his work, is testament to his passion for his pencils and charcoal.

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Charlotte Trevains

Charlotte Trevains

Charlotte was born in the 1970s in Cornwall, to a truly Cornish family, with her roots in the County traceable back to the mid 1600’s. Always creative from a young age, she spent her childhood learning about nature, watching and exploring local freshwater rivers, woodland, moorland and coastal environments.

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Samuel Davison

Samuel Davison

As a Cornish artist & prehistoric researcher, many of Samuel’s paintings are inspired by the ancient Cornish landscape. Created through a combination of meditative reflection and improvisation, his striking geometric formations show an excitement of colour and harmonic arrangement, which represent concepts found within quantum reality and ancient spiritual belief systems. Not only do his paintings catch the eye, but act as a medium for contemplation and insight into pathways within ancient wisdom. As a lifetime creative, Samuel is also a professional landscape photographer, award-winning author and multi-award-winning jazz musician.

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Steve Slimm

Steve Slimm

An artist to inspire artists, Steve Slimm’s visionary work over the past 40 years has gained him the reputation, in Cornwall and the UK, of a master of expressionist landscape painting. Since 2009 his work has been featured in national UK art foundation syllabuses for its quality of light.

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Marly Jackson

Marly Jackson

I am an artist and photographer based in Cornwall. Born in Manchester, I moved to the south westerly village of Porthleven at the age of 2 where I lived for 25 years. Growing up by the sea has had a huge influence on my life and artwork which I am so very grateful for.

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Jenny Nightingale

Jenny Nightingale

Jenny Nightingale is a freelance illustrator specialising in children’s illustration for a variety of print and web based media. Jen has worked on a wide variety of projects including children’s books, educational illustration, editorial illustration, games, gift products and web illustration for clients such as Macmillan Publishers, Cambridge University Press, Penhaligon’s Friends, The National Marine Aquarium and The National Maritime Museum.

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Jon Harry

Jon Harry

A retired CID Police Sergeant from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary, Jon Harry lives at St Austell in Cornwall. He has been painting since around 1997 and has exhibited his watercolours at exhibitions in Polperro, Falmouth, St Austell and Mevagissey.

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Charlotte Trevains

Charlotte Trevains

Charlotte was born in the 1970s in Cornwall, to a truly Cornish family, with her roots in the County traceable back to the mid 1600’s. Always creative from a young age, she spent her childhood learning about nature, watching and exploring local freshwater rivers, woodland, moorland and coastal environments.

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Valerie Mainwaring

Valerie Mainwaring

I am a so called ‘self-taught’ artist and tend to paint according to my mood. My paintings consist mainly of ‘little people’ having a good time. I had, as a child, many a day out with my parents and in a lot of my paintings I try and reflect the good times I had. Walks by the river, fun in the snow, days on the beach etc.

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Lisa Harrison

Lisa Harrison

Lisa Harrison works from an old forge in a remote valley in Cornwall – near Mabe. Using tools that have not changed for centuries she produces a range of interior hardware, artistic ironwork and contemporary jewellery.

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