Artists in Cornwall

Featured Artwork by artists and illustrators based in Cornwall.
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Christine Brunnock

Christine Brunnock

Christine Brunnock was raised in St Ives, Cornwall. She is based in St Ives today where she is constantly inspired by the Cornish landscape. Largely self-taught, her work is expressive and atmospheric, communicating a range of emotions that are reflected by the elements and environment. Christine’s work has been collected internationally and she exhibits regularly. She was shortlisted for The Evening Standard Art Prize 2018 in London and won the ING Discerning Eye Purchase Prize 2023.

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George ‘Griff’ Griffiths

George ‘Griff’ Griffiths

At the age of 13 Griff won a scholarship to Wakefield School of Arts & Crafts using the same handheld instruments to make marks and the same pigments ground to make paint as had been used for centuries. This was the foundation for his work in the years to come.

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Jessica Cudlip

Jessica Cudlip

Jessica Cudlip is a contemporary artist who works from her studio in the south west of Cornwall. Jessica’s own exploration of media, coupled with the study of Art and Photography at Truro College has allowed her to develop a unique approach to landscape depiction. In more recent times Jess has been exploring the use of textiles and torso/ pregnancy bump casting as an add-on to her more environment-inspired work. Jess accepts bump casting commissions.

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Beth Berriman

Beth Berriman

Beth Berriman was born in 1920 in Camborne and has been living and working as an artist in Cornwall ever since. Her passion for tracing the delineations of the landscape, as well as the human form, in all its vitality and delicacy, has meant that her work contains a poignant history of both Cornwall and its inhabitants.

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