Artists in Cornwall

Featured Artwork by artists and illustrators based in Cornwall.
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Featured Artists

Jane Palmer

Jane Palmer

My work is compiled, I build layer after layer, sometimes taking areas back to where I started, reworking or allowing the beginnings to be exposed. Layers are often thin and my tools are basic. Some papers and canvas may go through the press, some are hand pressed, all are painted and repainted.

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Sally Jones

Sally Jones

Sally Jones is an artist who works primarily in oils, charcoal or pastel, undertaking a wide variety of subject matter which reflects her own broadly-based interests and appreciation of the natural world.

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Charlotte Trevains

Charlotte Trevains

Charlotte was born in the 1970s in Cornwall, to a truly Cornish family, with her roots in the County traceable back to the mid 1600’s. Always creative from a young age, she spent her childhood learning about nature, watching and exploring local freshwater rivers, woodland, moorland and coastal environments.

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Simon Birtall

Simon Birtall

Simon paints in an ‘Impressionistic’ painting technique in oils on canvas. Influences include several Impressionists and Post Impressionists, and subsequent artists such as Sargent and Brangwyn.

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Alan Furneaux

Alan Furneaux

Greetings contemporary art fans, and welcome to the contemporary art world of (relatively) new (to us, anyway) and terribly exciting landscape artist, Alan Furneaux. A thoroughly modern artist who’s so good at what he does, a percentage of his unique designs have lent themselves to greetings card covers recently.

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I was born in Japan but instantly felt that Cornwall is my spiritual home. The landscape, the sky, the weather and the people all combine to make Cornwall a place I want to be. Back home in Japan I work with natural stone and grind it down into powered to use as a paint material. I see the amazing granite of Cornwall as a perfect material to use in my art.

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Roger Jardine

Roger Jardine

Roger has lived in Cornwall for over 25 years and is drawn to the variety of painting opportunities that the Cornish landscape has to offer. From the rugged north coastline to the wilds of Bodmin moor, the peaceful river inlets of the south coast and of course the many delightful fishing villages, there is plenty to keep the keen artist occupied.

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George ‘Griff’ Griffiths

George ‘Griff’ Griffiths

At the age of 13 Griff won a scholarship to Wakefield School of Arts & Crafts using the same handheld instruments to make marks and the same pigments ground to make paint as had been used for centuries. This was the foundation for his work in the years to come.

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Beth Berriman

Beth Berriman

Beth Berriman was born in 1920 in Camborne and has been living and working as an artist in Cornwall ever since. Her passion for tracing the delineations of the landscape, as well as the human form, in all its vitality and delicacy, has meant that her work contains a poignant history of both Cornwall and its inhabitants.

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Discover New Crafts

Lisa Harrison

Lisa Harrison

Lisa Harrison works from an old forge in a remote valley in Cornwall – near Mabe. Using tools that have not changed for centuries she produces a range of interior hardware, artistic ironwork and contemporary jewellery.

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Art For Sale

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